Through our partnership with the American Hotel & Lodging Association, VRLTA members are able to access the best in training and education opportunities in our indsutry. The American Hotel & Lodging Educational Institute (AHLEI) has worked to provide hospitality organizations and schools with quality resources to train, educate, and certify hospitality professionals.
AHLEI administers 20-plus professional certification programs for all levels of one’s hospitality career, from line-level to general manager, as well as for educators and hospitality suppliers. With training and certification in guest service (the Certified Guest Service Professional) and six certifications for front-line employees, AHLEI also offer workforce development agencies strong foundational programs to start new employees on a career in hospitality.
Guest Service Gold® Training

Elements of Service: Serving Guests with Disabilities
According to a 2022 MMGY study, people with mobility disabilities travel at the same rate as the general population and generate $58.2 billion in annual tourism revenue.
This online learning program is designed to train guest-facing hotel employees in best practices for serving guests with physical disabilities (including vision, hearing and mobility impairments). Learners are presented with a variety of service situations for guests with disabilities, where uninformed actions can cause distress or even danger.