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Day on the Hill

Make Your Voice Heard!

VRLTA’s annual Legislative Day on the Hill and Taste of VRLTA Reception - which takes place January 27-28, 2025 and draws over 200 attendees each year - is Virginia’s premiere opportunity to get learn about relevant issues and advocate on behalf of our industries to policymakers and their staff. It's one of the best opportunities to put a face on our industry and discuss current issues and challenges.

group photo

​Beginning with a Legislative Breakfast and Issues Briefing, Day on the Hill then proceeds to the new General Assembly Building for a morning of face-to-face meetings with legislators to promote VRLTA’s Legislative Priorities and advocate for and against bills concerning the industry, culminating with a Gallery introduction for members in the Virginia Capitol by a Member of the General Assembly on the Floor


PLEASE NOTE - Registration options are as follows:

  • Day on the Hill Registration (Includes All Events):*
    • Monday Member Meetings and Luncheon (Delta Hotel)
    • Monday Taste of VRLTA Reception (John Marshall Ballrooms)
    • Tuesday Legislative Breakfast (The Commonwealth)
    • Tuesday Meetings with Legislators (General Assembly Building)
  • Taste of VRLTA Registration Only:
    • Monday Taste of VRLTA Reception (John Marshall Ballrooms)
  • Legislative Breakfast Registration Only:
    • Tuesday Legislative Breakfast (The Commonwealth)
    • Tuesday Meetings with Legislators (General Assembly Building)​​

Hanging Rock Golf Course

The Blue Ridge Open Golf Classic takes place annually at the picturesque Hanging Rock Golf Course:

Hanging Rock Golf Course
​1500 Red Lane
Salem, VA 24153

hanging rock

Tournament Rules

  • 12:00 PM Shotgun Start
  • Two (2) flights grouped together by handicaps
  • Four (4) person captain’s choice
  • No minimum drive required
  • Ties settled by matching scorecards backwards from #18
  • VSGA rules govern play, as modified by local rules

Gifts & Prizes

​We take great pride in having some incredible prizes available to eligible players. Attendees will have the chance to head home with wonderful hotel stays, dinner certificates, rounds of golf, and much more!

Prizes will also be awarded for 1st and 2nd place finish teams in each flight, as well as closest to the pin and longest drive.


Corporate Sponsor

Corporate Sponsor - $1,100

  • ​Company recognition on all promotional materials
  • One team (4 players) each with all benefits
Box Lunch Sponsor
Beverage Cart Sponsor
Team Sponsor
Hole Sponsor
Birdie Sponsor
Player Sponsor
Mulligan Package
Frank Testimonial headshot

"The real value I get out of my membership is the advocacy and representation provided by the VRLTA. They actively work to protect the interests of the restaurant and hospitality industries, lobbying for favorable policies and legislation at both the state and national levels. Their voice carriers significant weight in the commonwealth, and I find comfort in knowing that my concerns as a restaurateur are being heard and acted upon."
- Frank Thomas Brunetto, Director of Operations, Enviro-care

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